Dryads of Cosquer

Curated by Roots to Routes on the occasion of the Lithuanian Cultural Season 2024

Curated by Roots to Routes
| Produced by Roots to Routes
30 August – 5 November 2024
– vernissage 29 August 2024

“Roots to Routes” curators Merilin Talumaa and Justė Kostikovaitė are happy to present “Dryads of Cosquer,” a three-part collaboration featured in the Lithuanian Culture Season in France 2024. The programme includes an exhibition and artist residency, a screening and discussion, and a performance. It highlights works by Baltic and international contemporary artists influenced by the heritage of Marija Gimbutas.

Dryads of Cosquer
Curated by Roots to Routes
Venue: La Traverse, 16 Traverse Ste Hélène, F-13007 Marseille, France


Kristina Õllek. Research in Marseille and Salin-de-Giraud, 2024. Courtesy of the artist